The Keys to the Kingdom Wiki

Hi fans of 'The keys to the kingdom'-series!

The publication of all the seven book of the series is date back. But now in the year 2016/17 I am writing my Master's thesis at an University in Germany about this series. The titel of this work is:

'From Noting, to Nothing. Reemerging Myths in the Fantasy-Book-Cycle "The Keys to the Kingdom".

You see I analyze all the seven books about elements of myths. To have a complete view of this theme, I am intereseted in your view!

Maybe some of you could tell me of your experience with this mentiondes series in matters of myths.

You could be geared to the questions:

  • Have you seen elementes of myths in this series? Which elements?
  • When have you perceived these elements? While reading the series or in retrospect?
  • Are the elements of myths new or are their borrowed from other myths (whos?)?
  • Would you say that the series is an own myth? Why (not)?

I would be very grateful for your response. 

Best regards


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